Our House

Our House
is a very, very, very fine house...

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Moving forward finally!!!

We finally broke ground on Thursday (5/15).  Like everything else, it seems like forever when you are waiting but now we are just happy to be able to track progress for a change.  Despite all of the rain in our area, there wasn't a delay to the ground breaking.  However, after it was dug it looked more like we were building a pool then starting a basement.  They weren't able to work Friday as is dried out.  Today they worked at getting the footers ready so that they wouldn't fall behind.  My wife will be adding pictures later.

Our PM has told us that 6/4 - 6/7 will be the biggest changes to watch since that is when the framing will go up.  It's exciting to think that it's so close to starting to look like a house even if the end still seems so far away.

We also had contact from our loan officer for Closing.  I'm happy that rates seem to be going down (and hope it continues for the near future).  I'm still anxious to get to the point where we can lock in a rate.  Nothing will be the same as the comfort of having the keys in hand and the house ours but there are some important moments that will help to at least get us closer to having those keys.

One additional nice part of the building going on right now is that another construction project started by Ryan Homes right behind ours and is about a week ahead of our schedule.  So every time we go to look at the house we can see what our will look like in a week or so.  It made it easier to explain to the kids why they were doing what they were doing now and what it would look like soon.

We are very happy to be moving forward and hope to have many updates over the next 3 months.

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